Ah, it’s been a while since I post something here…
Me and my team in PuppetO have just finished our rally
show, and it’s been such a wonderful
experience to do the shows 3 weeks in a
row. Our shows took place in a mall, east to Jakarta, in a small city called
Cikarang. The mall asked us to perform during the school holiday and to
entertain children who visited the mall with their family. And just like we
thought before, there were so many kids
visited the mall just to hangout with
their family. Yes, kids would love to visit the mall, especially when they
didn’t have a chance to go places with their family during their holiday.
In every show we didn’t just do a puppet show, but we also
held some interactive activities, like singing together, playing games and
quizzes. We came up with three different themes for every performance. In the
first show, we reminded the children to keep their environment clean. The
second show was to persuade them to love their culture and tradition. While in
the last show, we encouraged the kids to have a willingness to help other
people. It was good to see the children were very actively involved in every
activities. O ya, since most of them came with their family, there were also
moms and dads who watch the shows.
We would like to thank the children and their family who
have joined us in our shows. Also to the Lippo Cikarang Mall who invited us to
perform there. Hope we can do another show here in the future!