Tuesday, May 20, 2014

PuppetO and the Social Service

On early May 2014, PuppetO had a chance to join the social service event held by a local church in the West Jakarta area. The service took place in a school at the heart of Jakarta, called Kuningan area. This is a school established by a foundation to facilitate the children who can't afford to have the proper education. This means that they would go to this school for free!

Together with our fellow friends, we held a short class, teaching about the simple English  for kids. After the class, PuppetO performed a show for the children, building an awareness among them about how to keep the environment clean.

The children were smart and well educated, and we had so much fun with them! And after the show, we asked them to have lunch together with us. At the end of the event, PuppetO also gave one piece of a hand-made puppet for the school, hoping that it would become a very useful media for the teacher to teach the kids.

Anyway, we hope that we can join such event like this in the future....

And below is a short clip about the event, please enjoy!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Let me tell you about us!

Ah....it's been a long time since we started this thing called PuppetO...We've been doing many shows and still going on. We've met new friends, and experienced many good things with them. There were so many stories behind every show, and we're glad we had them!

Our journey is going on and on and on...and we're looking forward for another new adventures. We've kept so many documentations about our journey, and I think it's time to give you  a little bit about us...

So, here is a short clip telling you about PuppetO!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Spread the magic of Harmonica!

YES, I'm in love with the harmonica, and YES, I'd love to spread the wonderful magic of harmonica to people!

I'm a puppet-enthusiast and also a harp-player, so I thought it would be nice to be able to combine those two things through PuppetO. Well, in every show, we always did some fun games and activities with the kids, and I got an idea of giving a harmonica as one of the prizes for them. And since the sound of harmonica would definitely attract the kids, I was pretty much sure that the idea would work!

Well, it did...!!!

One day we held a show, and at the end of the fun games, a boy won a harmonica from us. He was very happy with that, and his friends sure did look very fascinated about it! Even his mother told us how happy she was to see her son got a harmonica...

Ah, what a relieve....:)

This would definitely motivate me to spread the magic of harmonica to as many children.

So, wish me luck, okay?