Friday, May 4, 2012

Our first production...

On 2007, our church was selected to held a Children's Choir Festival, called PESPARAWI (Pesta Paduan Suara Gerejawi). It's a kind of Choir Festival for Sunday School children.
One day, me and my friend had an idea of making a special opening for the Festival. At the beginning, we didn't take the idea seriously, but later on, we decided to give it a try. We planned to make a short-movie with puppets for the opening. So we made a simple story for that. It didn't take too much in making the movie. Me and my friend played as the puppeteers, then 2 friends of mine took part as an "amateur" cameraman and a soundman. We used an ordinary HandyCam and a common microphone. As for the finishing, another friend helped us in editing the film, using Adobe Premiere. The film took place in our church's yard, so it's kinda easier for us, because we didn't have to find certain location.
Below is the un-edited version of the film, so forgive me if the video quality is not good enough. Next time I'll find the edited version to upload.

This was our first experience in making a puppet-movie. Before this, we always did the puppet show on a puppet-stage. So I guess we really learned a lot from it.
(Since 2004, me and my friends have been performing puppetshows in our church. Usually we performed on some special events , for example : Easter day, Christmas, etc.)

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