Thursday, March 28, 2013

Avenue Q

Puppet shows are for children only?
You're wrong if you think so...

You should check this one: Avenue Q!
Avenue Q is an American musical show, well known for the use of  hand puppets, alongside the human actors. Most of its stories are addressing and satirizing the issues and anxieties associated with entering adulthood.  This musical show has a uniqueness : puppets are animated and voiced by actor/puppeteers who are present, unconcealed, onstage, but remain "invisible" relative to the story line. It means, the puppets and human characters completely ignore the puppeteers, and the audience is expected to do so as well. 

Here's an example of their performance. Take a look at how the puppeteers master those puppets very well.

See? I told you, puppet shows are not just for children only....:)

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