Sunday, July 7, 2013

Hey! Everything needs to be fixed!

After doing some shows, I found out that some things needed to be fixed. That included the puppets, the stage and other props.  Well, some stuffs didn’t last long, and sometimes we need to readjust, reset or repair them.
For example,  this puppet suffered a massive pressure by the puppeteer’s hand during the show. One of its part in the mouthplate was ripped off from the plate and now I need to attach it again. Well, I was not surprised, since my fellow puppeteer did have a big hand! Hahahaha…..

 I guess recheck and inspection are important to do after performing some shows. And I couldn’t agree more…! So, this guy would go to the “surgery room” in order to get his body back to normal! LoL

See ya, buddy!

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